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A Gem From the Past Enhancing the Future


A relatively small amount of research has been done in this area of electrocoating. However what has been done indicates a rich and promising future for the process. We can see a vast amount of modern industries that will be not only enhanced but sustained by the development of this technology.

Wonderfully Cost Effective


There are a lot of processes out there that are positive in some ways but have some significant negatives about them. For instance, a process may be quick and inexpensive, but it releases noxious chemicals and doesn't yield an impressive result. Another process may achieve a very high performance result but be painfully slow and expensive. The hidden gem about our process is that it is inexpensive, not time-consuming, yields high-performance results, and provides a tremendously wide chemistry set with which to work. Our technology would be tailored to an industry's individual needs, and who doesn't want that?

The Goal


Metalliding (diffusion coating) is a process that is wide open with possibilities. As we've mentioned, the science behind this is greatly unexplored. We know that with metalliding, the coatings are elegantly uniform and non-porous because of the diffusion of atoms of one metal into the surface of another metal. The diffused metal is essentially cojoined with the surface of the other metal. It isn't simply mechanically attaching to the surface like with conventional plating. We are aiming to increase understanding of the mechanism by which atoms enter and arrange themselves within various metallic substrates.

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